Over the course of this year, I have learned a lot about
health and fitness. Probably more than I have ever known about the subject,
actually. I found out that exercise and good nutrition actually make you feel
like a new person (duh!), and that a healthy lifestyle isn’t a burden, but a
But, that isn’t to say there weren’t bumps along the way.
There still are! But, I’ve found my motivation and my drive to really make this
my lifestyle and make a lasting change in my life, and I know how incredible it
feels to be on track to getting healthy, and I am not going back.
So I want to share with you some of my top tips that have
helped me along in my fitness journey, and I hope that they bless and encourage
you and help keep YOU going!
a plan and stick to it! This may seem like a simple thing, but truly,
having a written plan of what you’re going to do is so incredibly important! If
you don’t know what you are going for, or how you’re going to get there, how
will you know what to do? You’ll quit before you even start. Write down what
exercise you’re going to do for the week, what you will eat, and DO IT!
your workouts. This tip goes along with the first, but is also very
important! If you just say “oh yeah, I’m going to workout tomorrow.” But don’t
know when, you’re allowing room for excuses to come up. Take it a few days or a
week at a time if you have to, but physically write it or type it into your
calendar what time you are going to workout every day, so that it is easier to
get in the habit and carve out the time for it!
is KING. I didn’t realize this until a few months into my workout program,
but nutrition is everything, truly. You can’t outrun a bad diet, and abs really
are “made in the kitchen.” Fuel your body with whole foods, and find a balance.
Yes, you can still have a “cheat meal” and enjoy foods, you don’t have to just
eat like a rabbit. But nutrition can make or break you and your progress with
getting healthy.
accountable. Find a workout buddy, join one of my support groups online, or
tell a close family member or friend what you’re doing. Share why you are
getting healthy and ask them to keep you accountable during this time! Because
trust me, there will be days when you feel like quitting, but that’s usually
when you need to keep going the most!![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10383986_10103344329139492_1985006565532970938_n.jpg?oh=be9bc95f626f5b36a46228210db679e0&oe=54D222DB&__gda__=1423103140_4273c4841585ade607b9d18b99c3aca4)
away from the scale! I know that it’s addicting and you want to know what
your weight progress is, but stay away from that scale! Do NOT weigh yourself
every day. Weigh yourself at most once a week. The scale is NOT the most accurate
measure of progress, especially in the beginning of your journey to getting
healthy. So much goes into the number, more than you think. So step away from
the scale, and rely on pictures, your energy level and your measurements to
tell you your progress!
Just a few tips to keep you going on this health and fitness
journey. It can be a bumpy road sometimes, but I’m telling you, it’s worth it!
I’m not even at my full goal yet, but I can already tell you that my life has
done a 180 from what it was before I started this. I have more energy for work,
more energy to put into my relationships, my marriage, and just life in
If you need help getting started on your fitness journey, or
you have no idea where to start, please reach out to me! I would love to help
you get started, and to support you in this. You can click the “contact” button
at the bottom of the page and reach me there, or find me on Facebook (www.facebook.com/sarahfcason) or
on Instagram (sarahfcason).
Now I want to hear from you, what’s your favorite fit tip??
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