Sunday, October 28, 2012

Little Big Gifts from God

I'm sure we can all recall the beloved childhood Disney movie "Aladdin." Complete with magic genie, three grand wishes, bad guys, and of course, Aladdin gets the girl. It all works out, everyone is happy, I mean who doesn't like three wishes of whatever they want granted to them?

Sometimes, I think we (myself included) think of God like a magic genie. When we're "good enough" we sneak in there with our "Oh hey, God, this would be super great if I could just have this know, because I've been good and all." We probably don't say it in so many words. But I know that I have been caught in my heart posture looking for satisfaction in things, even asking God for it, instead of just going to Him for HIM to fill me up.


God also does give good gifts. He is our Father, and He delights in us.

He DELIGHTS in you. 

Let that sink in a minute. Delight is such a heart warming word. God, the creator of the universe, finds delight in each and every one of us. He dances and sings over us, He fills our hearts with His love, and, with His blessings.

I think that there is definitely a balance to be had, and that we have to be mindful of what we are asking God for, and the meaning behind it. Are we seeking HIM first, or things first? "Seek first the kingdom of heaven..."

But, God does bless us. He surrounds us with His love, His favor, and His gifts. And lately, He has blown me away by surprising my heart with little big gifts. Just putting a smile on my face, and delighting my heart. Things as simple as a good cup of hot coffee on a chilly morning, to time driving up to Mount Lemmon and being able to have quiet time with Him in the cool, fresh mountain air. 

My Abba has just left me speechless and in awe with His heart for me. I've been stressing out and worrying about things, and when I finally lay them down at His feet (multiple times), He has completely blown me away.

Case in point...when I was back in the states, I had no idea what to do about a job, where it would come from, if I was going to be able to make enough money. God has provided not one, not two, but three amazing jobs for me to work at. These jobs are providing community and a way to reach out to people that I would not have otherwise been able to reach out to. 

I was reminded of just how blessed I am to have three jobs when people remark about how difficult it is to find just one job at times. It is a crazy schedule working three jobs at times, I won't lie. But I am beyond blessed to be employed, and employed in three jobs that I truly enjoy.

Another gift, last Saturday my church had it's first annual "Jubilee" celebration, thanking God for how He has blessed us. It was a sweet time of fellowship, amazing food, and a fun time square dancing. I am blessed by the people that surround me in my church body. 

And another huge gift that God gave me this week, He provided an amazing deal on a reliable car. He truly has the perfect timing. He even threw in there that it is a manual car, which I love driving manual. He knew exactly what I needed, and showed up. 

I am completely overwhelmed by His love. By His goodness. How He delights in me. 

And it's not just in those big things, or in material things, it's everywhere. The sunrise, sunset, a cool breeze on a warm day, twinkling stars, conversations, birds chirping. He sings His love to me, to you in all these places.

What are the gifts that He has given you today? How does He delight your heart?

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