Friday, September 21, 2012

Pencil Pusher

 While most view the words "pencil pusher" in a negative light, I want to bring a new meaning to the table. I am a pencil pusher, in the most technical form of the phrase. I absolutely love to draw and push a pencil around a paper. I always have, and always will.

Art is a passion that God has sealed upon my soul for life.

While many things bring me a lot of joy in life, like working with kids, cooking, writing, serving others, etc, there is nothing that sets my heart on fire quite like art. Painting, drawing with pencils, charcoal, pastels, colored pencils, you name it. If I get to be creative, I'm all about it.

I've always loved to draw...I really should show pictures of drawings from middle school and high school. Some are hilarious. But, it's been a theme and current in my life. And while I was on the World Race, God exploded that even more.

Art has always been something present in my life, but also something that gets put on the back burner a lot. Mostly because it's viewed as simply a hobby. It's not "practical." The words "starving artist" are always flashing through people's minds if someone labels themselves as an artist. It's a fine hobby to be sure, but don't go expecting to make a life out of art, most think.

I want to challenge that.

God has set a fire in my soul to use art and missions together.

The church and Christians have stood silent far too long in the art community. It's time to wake up. It's time to actually use the gifts and talents that God has given us for His kingdom.

I had the honor and privilege to use my gift around the globe this past year. I got to paint nine different murals in five different countries, and left pieces of art in other ones, as well. And I loved being able to share Christ's love through art. There aren't as many language barriers in art as there are with other ministries, and yet art isn't really seen as much of a tool. But oh, it is.

God set this passion and dream for art and missions on my heart many years ago, but like I said, it got put on the back burner. When you talk about fine arts and missions together, a lot of people just don't get it. Which, is understandable because of the lack of use of it in many ways. But.

There needs to be a change. Art is a very specific way to reach out to people with God's heart. To offer hope. To share His love. To share His word.

God has not abandoned the arts. They are not evil. They challenge us. They speak to the depths of our soul. At least to me, it does.

I really could go on and on about art and how God touches my heart over and over again through it, and how I want to share it with others.

This is my heart, this is my cry.

To join art and missions and share it across this country and across the world. To ignite others to use their gifts as well. I am going to use my gift for His glory. Not for mine, but completely and totally all for HIS glory. To share His love with others.

Every piece that I do is an extension of His heart in me. How He has gotten a hold of me. And I want to use that to be His hands and feet, to be a light to the world.

 Charcoal drawing of hands holding baby's feet....I did this piece for a friend for a rally in Tucson. 
A few different pieces, most all of these done in pastel colors. The top left and bottom middle pictures where done during worship times. 

These are "oldies" but goodies, just a few pieces that I did in pencil on the World Race. 
Some words that the Lord has spoken to me and given me images for, so I put them down on paper. The bottom three were done in pastels, the top in pencil. 
Lastly...a final note, I finally got my thank you notes out for the World Race! 55 envelopes later, and many pictures from around the world, they are sent off. I loved seeing the pictures of my months around the world on those cards. I love getting to share those moments!

"But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."
-Ephesians 5:13-14

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