Monday, September 10, 2012

Captured Frames: Ukraine


So after three months in Africa, and five months in Asia, our beloved Y Squad headed to Eastern Europe for the last season of our adventure. Even looking back on it now, man. Time seriously flew by. It still is.

It was quite a change jumping from Asian culture into Eastern Europe. For one thing, we were completely surrounded by other white people in Europe, that didn't necessarily know we were American...until we opened our mouths. But we didn't get stared at all the time, pointed at, get our pictures taken (that much).

But I absolutely loved our time in Ukraine.

This was my first month of being a team leader, which came with its own set of new experiences. God grew me so much in those final three months of the race, and I am so grateful to have been surrounded by such amazing people.

But Ukraine definitely holds a special place in my heart. The people, the language, the food (thank goodness we got real cheese and bread again), the culture. It was a life giving month, full of good times and growth. We helped out at eye glass clinics that gave out free glasses in different villages and towns, we participated in a farming seminar (the principles of which are forever ingrained into my mind), taught English, and lived life with a great family. It was a blessing!

Check out our time in eastern Ukraine!

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