Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Honest Review of the 21 Day Fix

“Just one more bite and I’ll be done.”

“Oh just a little bit more."

These were thoughts that often ran through my head while eating, justifying myself to keep eating when I knew I should have stopped. My portion control was out of control, and I wasn’t sure how to stop. Because of that, I packed on the pounds, grew weaker, and felt awful inside and out.

Most of you know by now that I started my health and fitness journey this year around February. I committed to doing T25, and loved it. I lost around thirty pounds doing the program, and finally finished one for the first time ever. Trust me, it felt good.

But, even though I was working out and getting stronger, I was still filling my body with the wrong foods. I was eating like I was before I started working out, not getting enough fruits and veggies, and just lacking any sort of portion control. However, my body started to crave these things. I started to realize how important good nutrition is, and decided I needed to find a way to work on my nutrition.

I meal planned a little bit, mostly for what lunch and dinner were going to be, and just as a general idea at that. The thought of getting into nutrition and correct portion sizes was intimidating. The idea of adding in fruits and veggies every day, multiple times a day was daunting. And thoughts like, “how do you even cook eggplant or cauliflower?” entered my mind regularly. I knew the nutrition had to change, so I pushed ahead.

Enter the 21 Day Fix.

A workout program with great exercises for thirty minutes, and even more importantly, an amazing nutrition guide and plan. I talked to my husband about it and we decided I could go for it and start this program now that I had finished with T25.

So, what did I find from the 21 Day Fix? In short, amazing results (I lost over 6lbs and 7.5 inches my first round), and even more so, I learned so much about portion control and nutrition.

Here are my PROS and CONS from this program.

Let’s start with the CONS, the list is much shorter.
-It can be intimidating to meal plan at first, and plan out your whole day of eating, which it really is key to do on the 21 Day Fix for the best results.
-It can be overwhelming at first looking at all the foods to eat and trying to figure out HOW to plan from that.
-As with anything health and fitness related, change can be difficult, and learning a new habit comes with ups and downs, good days and hard days.
-It can take a little bit to get into the groove of the meal planning and prepping.

So, not too many cons. Really, overall, there were not a lot of drawbacks on this program for me. I prepared myself mentally for the change ahead, so it wasn’t too bad, but it might be difficult and overwhelming for some people to step into a new way of meal planning and preparing. But, the good news is, it is totally doable, and gets easier over time!

Now for the PROS! Because there are a lot.
-The workouts were the perfect amount of time for me. 30 minutes is my sweet spot!
-The workouts also were great because they cater to all levels of fitness, and are all simple but effective exercises. If you need to go slower, follow the modification. If you want to pick it up a notch, go for it!
-I finally started to understand PORTION CONTROL. This is huge.
-The colored containers were easy to follow and keep track of.
-It’s not a crash diet, you’re eating from every food group, because your body needs the proper nutrition from each group.
-I wasn’t hungry (or hangry). People usually assume if you’re on something like this, you’re starving all day. Not the case here!
-I now know how much of each food category I need to be eating every day, and it’s SO much easier to incorporate fruits and veggies into my diet every day now.
-I have a lot more energy because my body is being properly fueled
-I got great results from it!

Honestly, I could go on for a while about this program. It really has been incredible, and such a huge learning tool in my health and fitness journey. I now feel like I have a much better handle on nutrition, how my body uses food as fuel, and how to eat to nourish my body, not just eat because I’m bored or it looks good.

Another great part of my experience with the 21 Day Fix was being involved in a challenge group. I led a group of a few other ladies who were going through the same program, and we all kept each other encouraged and accountable so we could reach our goals and get results.

I’ve learned that if you put in the consistent effort and work, you’re going to get results. And that’s an amazing thing, and can truly be life changing- it has been in my life. So if you want to join in on one of my challenge groups in the near future, comment or message me and I’ll get you more information! I have a special group happening soon specifically for the 21 Day Fix, and a special deal for it as well.

So let me hear from you now, what’s the hardest thing about nutrition for you?

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