Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Welcome to Georgia!

Well, I've been in Georgia for a little over a week now, and I can already tell that God is just going to blow up this season far more than I ever expected. (Which I kind of expected, because he always does the most unexpected things in my life, in the best of ways.)

My trek across the country was long, but so incredibly good, and God blessed me continuously along the way. My first stop (after a 15 hour drive) was Ft. Collins, Colorado, where I was able to spend time with two team mates, Emily and Tom. We drove around the city, visited Estes Park and Boulder, and had a grand ol' time. We also got our team CLP from the World Race to come around with us (via pictures of their faces everywhere we went). I also froze in temperatures that never really ever went above 32, which is pretty cold for this Arizona girl.

After Ft. Collins, I went on my way to Nashville, Tennessee. I thought that I would try and make the 17+ hour drive in one go without stopping, but I made it to about St. Louis and decided it would be a good place to stop. God provided an awesome hotel where they gave me a discount just because. He is so good!

In Nashville I was able to catch up with Tina, a team mate from my ministry internship a few years ago in Pennsylvania. We were also able to meet up with some WR squad mates, Scott and Sarah! It was a blessing to talk and laugh and catch up, sharing stories from near and far.

From Nashville I drove south to Alabama to visit some family that I haven't been able to see in many years (since I was across the country in Arizona). It was such an awesome blessing to see them again in person, catch up with them, play games and laugh. I was so blessed, and my heart was filled. It's always a blessing to be together with family, and family that loves the Lord. I was also able to share a bit more about my trip with the World Race, and show some more videos and pictures.

And finally, from Alabama, I made my last stretch and found myself home in Gainesville, Georgia. I will go into more detail in my next blog about what it's looked like to be here in Georgia, but suffice it to say for right now that I feel completely at home. God has placed a deep peace in my heart, and I can't wait to see what God does in this season in my life, and in the lives of those around me.

He is making us new, and bringing us all into a new season together.

Thank you so much for your prayers during my journey across the country! 

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