Sometimes there are days where God just calls me away.
Days that He calls me into His heart, to just be. And in the midst of a crazy, sometimes chaotic schedule in the past few weeks, when Jesus called my heart away, I gladly went.
I thought I would just spend some time around the house, praying and reading. But he called me out of the house, out of the city. He put Stone Mountain on my heart, so I hopped in the car and headed towards the park. The sun was shining, it was gorgeous. First gift to my heart from Jesus.
Once I arrived at the park, I felt like I could just breath.
I found a quiet spot, opened my journal and began to draw, taking in inspiration from my surroundings. The majestic granite mountain towered above me, complete with civil war figures carved into the side. The trees are just beginning to bloom, and white buds framed the carving just so.
I sat in the stillness for a while, and contemplated the statue and quotes before me. This one stuck out the most to me, complete with the figure stretching his arms towards the heaven. It speaks of Valor, courage, and it stirred my spirit with delight.
After my time in the park, I drove around looking for somewhere for lunch. I found a coffee shop that I wanted to settle into later, and figured that I would find a place for lunch around there. So I drove to Decatur, and right across the street from the coffee shop was an amazing little Indian food place.
I absolutely love Indian food, yet another gift from God. All of the colors and pictures in the restaurant just filled my heart with delight. There were even fresh flowers on the table.
From a tasty lunch I moved onto some more quiet time in the coffee shop across the street, and I received a beautiful, deliciously smooth latte. I was able to talk to some people back home, and just sit with God and feel His peace wash over me.
I could feel Him pouring out His love through all of the small details throughout the day, and it delighted my heart to know that He loves me so much to show that in the small things.
In a vase of flowers on an Indian food restaurant.
In a expertly crafted latte, topped with silky foam.
In flowering trees.
In the sunshine.
In gently chirping birds.
In colorful pictures.
In sweet music.
In sketches.
In covered bridges.
In geese playing in the water.
In being able to cook dinner.
God delighted my heart in the simple things of life that day, and it was beautiful. What are the little things in life that God has put in front of you today?